Gynaecological Services

Our Doctors are specialists in women’s health at every age and stage. Your GP might refer you to Townsville Obstetrics and Gynaecology for any number of important conditions, including:

An abnormal cervical screening test

Our practice specialises in the management of this problem. If you have been referred to Dr Aubrey for an abnormal `Pap’ smear or to have a colposcopy, please click here for more information on what to expect at your appointment.

Heavy and/or painful periods that have not responded to first-line treatments

The causes of these can differ depending on your age. Our practice treats everyone from young teenagers to perimenopausal women with variations of this problem.

Suspected endometriosis

An under-diagnosed condition that can cause excessive period pain; this is a current health focus of the Australian Government, which is developing a national action plan to improve diagnosis and treatment. See this link for more information about endometriosis.

Irregular or no periods

Menstruation is more than just a monthly bleed, and a lack of periods can sometimes reflect a more widespread health problem, or lead to long-term health issues. Your GP might refer you to discuss this if he or she suspects polycystic ovarian syndrome, or one of several other important health conditions.

Abnormal pelvic growths

Fibroids, polyps and ovarian cysts can cause a range of symptoms, and sometimes require a surgical approach to manage. Dr Aubrey is experienced at identifying which of these require surgery, and which can be safely monitored.

Bleeding after menopause

This problem should always be investigated. In many cases, the cause is benign, but occasionally it can be the only symptom of gynaecological cancer. If you are experiencing post-menopausal bleeding, please arrange referral to discuss and investigate this immediately.

Menopausal symptoms

Hot flushes, moodiness and physical discomforts such as hair and skin dryness are often neglected. There are many ways to manage these, and some don’t involve use of hormone therapy at all.

Sexual dysfunction

This is another often neglected area of women’s health. Pain, loss of libido and other intercourse-related difficulties or concerns can be openly and easily discussed with our experienced female gynaecologist.

Infertility or subfertility investigation

Problems with conceiving can be distressing and difficult to discuss. Both male and female factors play a part, but many fertility issues can be addressed by basic lifestyle measures.  Dr Aubrey can help maximise your opportunities for a healthy pregnancy, and also ensure your health is optimised prior to conception.


Our practice is developing fact sheets on many of these topics, so make sure you check out the Patient Information PAGE for more detailed information.